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Tang, Jian, et al. “Line: Large-scale information network embedding.” Proceedings of the 24th international conference on world wide web. International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee, 2015.
The paper proposed a novel network embedding method which suites both directed/undirected and/or weighted networks, it also proposed a propose an edge-sampling algorithm for optimizing the objective.
LINE explores both first-order and second-order proximity. First-order proximity is connected through a a tie, such as node 5 and 7(aka. neighbours). Second-order proximity nodes are not directly connected with each other, however they should
also be placed closely as they share similar neighbors such as node 5 and 6.
Firt-order proximity is defined by joint probability between two nodes v_i, v_j:
where u is the low-dimensional vector representation. And the empirical probability can be defined as , where W is the summation of all the weights in the graph. To preserve the first-order proximity.
The objective function looks like:
Using KL-divergence as distance function, the objective function becomes:
Second-order proximity assumes that vertices sharing many connections to other vertices are similar to each other. For each directed edge (i, j), Line defines the probability of “context” v_j generated by vertex v_i as:
where | V | is the number of vertices or “contexts”. And the empirical probability can be defined as ![]() |
The objective function of second-order proximity looks like:
Using KL-divergence as distance function, the objective function becomes:
Line also adopts negative sampling method to optimize objective functions. It samples multiple negative edges according to some noisy distribution for each edge (i, j) using the following objective function:
The first term models the observed edges, the second term models the negative edges drawn from the noise distribution and K is the number of negative edges.