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K. Cho, B. van Merrienboer, D. Bahdanau, and Y. Bengio. On the properties of neural machine translation: Encoderdecoder approaches. arXiv preprint arXiv:1409.1259, 2014.


The paper proposed a neural network architecture - gated recursive convolution neural network (grConv) to analyze the direct translation performance. It is also compared the model performances with other encoder-decoder models: RNN encoder-decoder model and Moses+LSTM (Sutskever et al., 2014).


Similar with RNN encoder-decoder, the paper also used an encoder-decoder structure. The differences are this paper used an gated recurise convolution nets rather rather than a recurrent nets in training. Also, the model here was used directly in machine translation and RNNenc was used as an addition feature in stastical machine translation. The structure and gated unit of RNNenc looks like

The structure and gated unit of grConv looks like

And grConv consists of four weight matrices Wl, Wr, Gl and Gr. The gating coefficients(wc, wl, wr) are computed by Gl and Gr, summing up to 1.

Same as grConv, the model can handle variable input and output, also it shows that the model can learn the gramma structure automatically.
